5 février 2014

NTIA: Consultation sur la reconnaissance faciale

Aux États-Unis, la National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) organise des consultations sur l'impact de l'utilisation commerciale de la reconnaissance faciale sur la vie privée. 

Les consultations auront lieu du 6 février au mois de juin 2014 et, à la suite de celles-ci, la NTIA entend proposer un guide sur ces enjeux. 
"The goal of the process is to develop a voluntary, enforceable code of conduct that specifies how the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights applies to facial recognition technology."
(Source: NTIA, 3 December 2013)
Lors de cette première journée de consultation, les points suivants seront abordés: 
- Facial RecognitionTechnology Fundamentals : How Does Commercial Facial Recognition Technology Use Images or Videos to Create Biometric Identifiers? How Accurate is the Technology? 
- Commercial Applications of Facial Recognition Technology : How is Commercial Facial Recognition Technology Used to Identify or Authenticate Individuals? How is the Technology Used in Commercial Products? How are Facial  Recognition Data Collected and Shared? 
- Technical Privacy Safeguards for Facial Recognition : What Technical Safeguards are Employed to Protect Individuals’ Privacy when Facial Recognition Data are Collected and Used? How can Technical Solutions Enhance Transparency, Provide Individuals with Control, or Increase the Security of Facial Recognition Data?
(Source: NTIA, Agenda January 6, 2014)
À suivre donc ...

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